Research studies have shown that many business owners pay a lot of attention on the product, but fail to think how to pack their products. To be successful in business you should pay a lot of attention on how you pack your products.
There are many types of packaging that you can use. The most common ones are: bottles, fin packets, stick packets, blister packs, multi packs, and pillow packets. To help you out here are some of the factors that you should consider when packaging your product.
Brand Centric
Does the packaging of your product represent your product? It should. For example, if you are selling sugar, you should ensure that your customers know this from just looking at the packet. This calls for you to put a photo of sugar on the pack. It’s also wise that you put the name “Sugar” on the packet.
Target Market
Experts say that you shouldn’t try to be appealing to everyone as you risk appealing to no one. As rule of thumb you should ensure that your packaging “talks” to your customers. For example, if your target customers are youths, you should ensure that you pack the product in a unique and exciting way so that your customers can associate with it.
The color that you go with greatly determines how people will respond to the product. You should consider a number of factors when deciding on the best color to go with. Some of the factors that you should consider include: your target audience, trends and brand identity.
The size that you go with greatly determines how people will respond to your product. To be on the safe side you should use as many standard sizes as possible. Doing this will not only make your product appealing to many people, it will also greatly reduce your production costs. It will also give you more flexibility when transporting the product.
You should consider how your product will be distributed. If it will be transported to a long distance, you should ensure it’s well protected from damage. Many people feel that protective packaging is there to add cost, but this isn’t the case. Always remember that it will always cost you more to replace the product than to replace the packaging material; therefore, always undertake protective packaging.
These are the factors that you should consider when packaging your product. For ideal results always ensure that the packaging is designed and manufactured by a professional company.
Source by Duncan Lancer