We visualize ideas, turn them in to websites and then take them in to the digital world.

Keyword Branding – Recognition for your Business Online with Keyword Marketing

How can you get to the Top of Google, front page on the Search Engine? Keyword Branding, Recognition of your website and online business with keyword marketing is the most effective search engine marketing.

Keyword Marketing offers your Article Marketing an opportunity to get you noticed for HOT topic words before the competition. When you promote your keywords in articles you produce for online marketing, your keywords brand your website top billing on the search engines by playing the percentages game.

Search Engines use crawlers that recognize brand information as quality by word content. When your content is full of keywords used responsibly to market your product, you get better brand percentages on the crawlers and therefore higher rankings for links attached to the articles.

For instance, if I have a site with a page that talks about Search Engine Optimization, and 3% or more of my keywords in that page are ‘Search’ or ‘Engine’ or ‘Optimization’ the crawlers will begin to recognize that page brand as valuable to those keywords and the page will rise on the search engine, because the words are used, well linked, and reactive Article Marketing.

For this reason, optimizing keyword usage in valuable content filled Articles you Market to the Internet increases your brand placement. You don’t need to use the keywords unnaturally, in uncommon places, or without purpose in your article. But you do need to promote your keyword brand at any point in your article where branding helps the reader (or the crawler) to understand better, your purpose for writing the article.

Think for a moment of the words you use for fillers that really do not say anything of value.

The word ‘it’ is a favorite of mine. I’m referring to my subject, most often when I use the word ‘it’. So, why not use my subject instead. If Article Marketing is my subject, then I can replace the word ‘it’ almost completely with my brand keywords “Article Marketing” and make a branding impact without appearing to overwhelm the content with keywords.

Are you ready to Brand your Market with Identifying Keyword Optimization?


Source by Jan Verhoeff